蔡小东(1978-),男,湖北浠水人,博士、教授、硕士生导师,湖北美田生物科技有限公司研发部主任,湖北省生姜品种及绿色生产技术转化中试研究基地主任。主要从事香辛作物细胞工程与育种研究,先后承担国家自然科学基金、湖北省重点研发计划项目、瑞典国际科学基金(International foundation of science, IFS)、湖北省教育厅等项目。选育生姜新品种2个,授权专利1项,参编学术著作3部,以第一作者或通讯作者在学术刊物上发表论文50余篇,SCI收录20余篇。
联系方式: 电子信箱:caixiao.dong@163.com; QQ:521194563
1) 1997年9月—2001年7月,华中农业大学园艺系果树学专业学习,获农学学士学位;
2) 2001年9月—2006年12月,华中农业大学种质资源与改良国家重点实验室柑橘课题组学习,获农学博士学位;
3) 2006年12月—至今:51吃瓜网,从事教学与科研工作。
期间:2013.11—2014.05:美国佛罗里达大学Gulf Coast Research and Education Center访问学者
1. 香辛作物细胞工程育苗技术;
2. 香辛作物体细胞变异机理;
3. 香辛作物新品种选育。
1) Chen J J, Zhang Y S, Duan J X, Cao Y M, Cai X D. Morphological, cytological and pigment analysis of leaf color variants regenerated from long-term subcultured caladium callus. In Vitro Cellular & Developmental Biology-Plant. 2021, 57: 60–71
2) Zhang Y S, Chen J J, Cao Y M, Duan J X,Cai X D. Induction of tetraploids in 'Red Flash' caladium using colchicine and oryzalin: morphological, cytological, photosynthetic and chilling tolerance analysis. Scientia Horticulture, 2020, 272: 109524.
3) Duan J Xin, Duan Q X, Zhang S F, Cao Y Mei, Yang C D, Cai X D. Morphological, physiological, anatomical and histochemical responses of micropropagated plants of Trichosanthes kirilowii to hydroponic and soil conditions during acclimatization. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2020, 142: 177-186.
4) Cai X D, Fu J, Guo W W. Mitochondrial genome of callus protoplast has a role in mesophyll protoplast regeneration in citrus: evidence from Transgenic GFP somatic homo-fusion. Horticultural Plant Journal, 2017, 3(5):177-182.
5) Cai X D, Deng Z. Thidiazuron promotes callus induction and proliferation in Caladium× Hortulanum Birdsey UF-4609. Propagation of Ornamental Plants, 2016, 16(3): 90-97
6) Cai X D, Cao Z, Xu S X, Deng Z. Induction, regeneration and characterization of tetraploids and variants in ‘Tapestry’ caladium. Plant Cell Tiss Org Cult, 2015, 120: 689-700.
7) Cai X D, Duan Y X, Fu J, Guo W W. Production and molecular characterization of potential seedless cybrid plants between pollen sterile Satsuma mandarin and two seedy Citrus cultivars. Acta Physiol Plant, 2010, 32: 215-221